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Are group services still running?2022-06-27T18:52:14+00:00

Most of our group services are either suspended or running virtually. If you are unsure about whether or not a group that you are taking part in is still running, please contact the group coordinator.

Can Breakaway help me get food or clothing?2022-06-27T18:31:11+00:00

Yes, Breakaway can help you get food and clothing. Please talk to a staff member about picking up supplies.

Can Breakaway help me navigate other services in the city?2022-06-27T18:31:11+00:00

Yes! Breakaway can help with navigating other services in the city. Please bring this up with a staff member for support.

Can I get methadone or suboxone from Breakaway?2022-06-27T18:31:11+00:00

Our Satellite clinic provides methadone and suboxone prescription, which clients then pick up at a pharmacy. See our program page for more information:

Do I need a health card to access services?2022-06-27T18:33:30+00:00

No, we don’t require a health card for you to access any of our services. Some programs may ask for health card information during intake but you will still be able to use our services if you don’t have one.

Does Breakaway provide a safe injection site?2022-06-27T18:31:11+00:00

No, Breakaway does not provide a safe injection site. The closest safe injection site is located at Parkdale Queen West Community health center, 1229 Queen Street West (about two blocks south of us at Queen and Dufferin.) For a full list of safe injection sites in Toronto, go to:

How are virtual services being delivered right now?2022-06-27T18:51:20+00:00

Currently, you have the option to access services virtually or in person. Services are offered through video call or over the phone. You also have the option to meet with staff at our office, either inside or outside. If you are a client with one of our outreach services, staff will meet with you at a location of your choice.

We encourage you to ask the person you are working with about different options for accessing services during COVID-19.

How can I get to Breakaway on public transit?2022-06-27T18:44:15+00:00

Breakaway is located a few blocks north west of Queen and Dufferin. We are a short walk away from both the Dufferin bus and the Queen streetcar stops.

How can I make complaints or suggestions?2022-06-27T18:49:37+00:00

anything about the services you are receiving from the agency, or if you believe something should be available to you and it is not, we would like to know about it.

We request that you first discuss your concern with the staff member who is providing service to you. This request is made in a sincere effort to see if a solution to the problem can be resolved at this stage.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the discussion with your worker, you are advised to contact the program’s manager. The manager will speak with you to attempt to resolve the complaint and may arrange a meeting with you within 5 working days if needed. The manager may also invite the staff member you work with to the meeting.

If you are not satisfied with the outcomes of the meetings, the program manager with arrange a meeting with the Executive Director. This meeting will be arranged within 10 working days to allow time to explore the steps that have been taken to resolve the complaint.

How can I terminate services?2022-06-27T18:49:09+00:00

When you are ready to terminate services, let your counsellor or client support worker know. They will then coordinate a review of service outcomes and achievements, based on your own preferences. This will include making a note of your preferences regarding follow up, in case you would like to reengage with services in the future.

How do I access services?2022-11-18T18:07:52+00:00

Our intake process varies from program to program. Visit the page of the program that you’re interested in for more information, or see below:

Housing: Clients are referred to us through our partner, Regeneration Community Services.

Satellite: Call 416-537-9346 x 1

Harm Reduction Counselling and Supports: Call  416-561-8819 or email [email protected]

Family and Youth Initiative: Email [email protected]

Toronto Opiate Support Team:

For Youth – Stephen 416-910-7908

For Older Adults – Gordon 416-910-5039

For Women – Lindsay 416-910-7882

Pieces to Pathways: Email [email protected]

Through Ruff Times: Email [email protected]

GLoW: Email [email protected]

How do I know if I’m eligible for services?2022-06-27T18:32:31+00:00

Eligibility requirements vary from program to program. Look at our program pages for more information, or see below:

Housing: Individuals must meet specific criteria outlined in the eligibility applications, which are available on the Toronto Mental Health Housing and Support Network website.

Satellite: Satellite provides services to adults facing challenges related to their use of opioid drugs.  

Harm Reduction Outreach: HRO supports adults who cannot afford to pay for services.

Family and Youth Initiative: Individuals must be youth 12-25, or their family members, who are struggling with substance use concerns.

Toronto Opiate Support Team: TOST supports youth, older adults, and women who are using opiates, have used opiates, and/or are interested in safe supply.

Through Ruff Times: TRT supports those experiencing poverty, homelessness, mental health and substance use, violence living conditions, and/or any other self-identified challenges who need support with pet care.

Grief, Loss, and Wellness: GLoW serves frontline workers, community facing managements, and community supporters who have been impacted by the overwhelming loss of the overdose crisis.

How do you guarantee privacy?2022-06-27T18:48:45+00:00

Breakaway Community Services is committed to meeting the highest standard of ethics with respect to the collection, use, security and disclosure of personal information or personal health information of clients, employees, consultants, volunteers, donors, website users and business associates. Breakaway is committed to meeting the privacy standards established by relevant legislation, including the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA).

Breakaway recognizes that responsible and professional service delivery is based on trust, respect, sensitivity and a high code of ethical practice. Personal information, which is any information that can be used to identify or contact a specific individual, is kept in confidence.  Breakaway has safeguards to ensure that personal information is not shared within the agency beyond what is necessary to achieve the purpose for which the information was obtained. We also ensure the safeguarding of personal information to prevent it from being lost or destroyed.


As part of our commitment to privacy, we regularly review our privacy practices and update our policies.

I am a school worker who knows a youth who could benefit from Breakaway’s services. How do I make a referral?2022-11-03T15:40:10+00:00

Through our partnerships with the TDSB and TCDSB, Breakaway’s Family and Youth Initiative provides provide individual or group counselling with students who have been identified by educators to have concerns related to drug or alcohol use, at the school location, if needed.

To refer a student to our program, please fill out our School Referral Form: SCHOOL REFERRAL FORM 2022.  

Please send the completed referral form to our intake worker at [email protected]

I recently tested positive for COVID-19, and accessed in-person services at Breakaway. What are my next steps?2022-06-27T18:51:48+00:00

If you recently tested positive for COVID-19 and accessed in person services at Breakaway, please contact your counsellor or client support worker and let them know. They will then reach out to management for contact tracing. Your name and other personal information will be kept confidential during this process.

For guidance on what to do if you have COVID-19, please visit this page from Toronto Public Health:

Is Breakaway hiring right now?2022-11-03T15:48:08+00:00

All of our open job opportunities can be found under the “Work With Us” tab on our website. Job details and information about the application process will be found under each posting.

Is there a cost for services?2022-06-27T18:32:56+00:00

No! All services are free of charge.

Is there anything I need to commit to before becoming a client at Breakaway?2022-06-27T18:36:45+00:00

Breakaway is strongly committed to providing client-centered care that can be tailored to your own needs and goals. Staff do not expect any commitments in terms of your substance use, or which services you access.

That said, before accessing services, you will have to sign a service agreement with us. This service agreement outlines client expectations, including maintaining a safe and respectful environment, respecting the privacy of other clients, telling your healthcare provider or counsellor when you need more information, following the service plan that you and your counsellor have developed, informing us if you are unsatisfied with your services, and keeping appointments.

Is there parking at Breakaway?2022-06-27T18:44:54+00:00

Yes! Breakaway has parking lots for visitors and clients at the north and south ends of the building.

Is your building wheelchair accessible?2022-10-06T13:25:08+00:00

Yes, our main floor is wheelchair accessible. Note that we do have accessible washrooms, but we do not currently have a push button to open them. We are hoping to get one installed shortly.

Our second floor is not wheelchair accessible. This is where most of the private counselling with the Family and Youth Initiative takes place. If this is a concern for you, please contact your counsellor and they will book a room downstairs for your appointment.

Should I reach out to Breakaway if I’m in crisis?2022-06-27T18:31:11+00:00

No, Breakaway is not a crisis service. If you are in crisis, please contact the Gerstein Crisis Centre at 416-929-5200.

What are your operating hours?2022-06-27T18:43:34+00:00

Our office hours are:

Monday: 9-5

Tuesday: 9-5

Wednesday: 9-7

Thursday 9-5

Friday 9-1

What kind of services do you provide?2022-06-27T18:31:11+00:00

Breakaway provides many different services, including:

  • Individual counselling
  • Family counselling
  • Case management
  • Help navigating other services
  • Opiate agonist treatment
  • Health and harm reduction education
  • School outreach
  • Access to harm reduction supplies
  • Outreach-based support
  • Pet support
  • LGBTQIA2S+ specific support
  • Structured groups
  • Grief and loss support
  • Body based wellness activities

Services vary from program to program. Please take a look at our program pages for specific services offered.

What kind of staff provide services?2022-06-27T18:31:11+00:00

Our team includes counsellors, client support workers, education staff, a medical doctor, a nurse, a lab technician, and administrative staff.

What precautions are you taking to reduce the risk of transmission at Breakaway?2022-06-27T18:52:57+00:00

Precautions to reduce the risk of transmission at Breakaway include:

  • Continuing to require masking, even as restrictions lift.
  • Conducting symptoms screening for everyone who enters the building.
  • Reducing the number of people in the space.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting high touch surfaces.
  • Conducting services virtually or over the phone where possible.
  • Conducting activities such as eating outside.
  • Asking staff to conduct rapid tests before coming into work.

If you have questions or concerns about COVID transmissions, please talk to your counsellor or client support worker.

What should I do if I have to cancel my appointment?2022-06-27T18:37:07+00:00

Whenever possible, please notify us 24 hours in advance if you cannot keep your appointment as this allows us to schedule in other people.

Who can I contact to make sure my accessibility needs are met?2022-06-27T18:36:06+00:00

Speak with your counsellor or client support worker to ensure that your accessibility needs are being met. If you are accessing group or drop in services, you can contact the program coordinator for accessibility concerns. If your concerns are not addressed, you may contact your program manager.

Our staff member’s contact information is available under our staff directory.

Who can I talk to if I have a question or concern about my privacy?2022-06-27T18:50:48+00:00

Any questions or concerns relating to Breakaway’s privacy policy or the treatment of personal information should be directed to our Executive Director, Nicola Bangham, at [email protected], 416-537-9346 *230

Who can I talk to if there is an issue between me and a staff member?2022-06-27T18:49:59+00:00

If an issue arises between you and a staff member, we request that you first discuss your concern with the staff member who is providing service to you. This request is made in a sincere effort to see if a solution can be resolved at this stage. If you aren’t satisfied with the outcome of this discussion you can contact the program manager to resolve your issue.

Who has access to my information?2022-06-27T18:48:17+00:00

Your personal and health information is only accessible by Breakaway staff. Your information will only be shared with those within the organization who need to know, such as the person you are working with. Breakaway will not use or distribute your information for any purpose that you have not consented for. However, in some cases, Breakaway may be required by law to disclose some of your personal information to comply with a court order, in an emergency, or in an investigation.

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